A friendly, accessible insight into the weird-but-wonderful world of the bees you may find in your garden.
From the common or garden bumblebees that nest in bird boxes, compost heaps, and old mouse holes making ‘Winnie the Pooh’ style honey pots to feed their babies, to the quirky wool carder bee, a solitary bee that combs the fluff from garden plants to line her brood cells and the amazing leaf-cutter bee that carves chunks out of plant foliage to seal its egg chambers.
This book will reveal the secrets and fascinating lives of the bees that live and breed in your garden, from buzz pollination, to the bee robbers that cheat the plants and steal nectar by stealth.
With a seasonal guide to explore what you are likely to see in your garden, great plants to grow to help them, plus other fascinating information on these secretive creatures, this book is designed to bring alive the world of garden bees before your very eyes.