One mistake can unravel everything… She only left her daughter in the car for a minute. Just aquick minute whilst she ran into the shop. She barely thought twice aboutmaking that decision, but it soon began to consume her every thought. And notjust her thoughts, but those of every neighbour, police and social securityworker in a fifteen mile radius . This is her child. Surely she knows best? After making the move to a small town in Scotland the rolling hills andblustery beaches seemed to be the perfect backdrop for her and her fouryear-old daughter, Emily, to start again, to mend and move on. It isn’talways easy just the two of them, but Liz is sure that she can manage. Shehasn’t been entirely honest, though, not with herself or her new friends. Willthey be as supportive once they realise who she is? Sometimes, one mistake isall it takes to unravel everything.